how it works!
it's about you
Healthper is a social network game-based service dedicated to being your personal “health-helper,” offering fun ways for you and others in your life to engage in healthy behaviors.
Most of us strive to live and share a healthy lifestyle with our family and friends. As a member of Healthper you’re in a world of easy game play that’s focused on achieving your wellness goals, whether you’re a strong athlete or just one of us "ordinary people."
Importantly – and only by choice - significant people in your life can be invited on your journey. They can support your goals or share your success. Your experience may become an inspiration for them. Either way, the power of our community is at your fingertips.
You may also discover a number of new friends or communities with similar interests, goals, lifestyles. Or you might find new competitors for encouraging and challenging each other.
As your success builds and your community status expands, you may be drawn into becoming a guide or coach for people who need a little help or guidance themselves. You may also build a unique community focused on the health and wellness passions that define who you are.
The possibilities are almost endless and yet completely in your hands. All you need to do for beginning your journey is signup. Then set your specific goals, regularly play the games, collect some rewards along the way and enjoy yourself.
Make Healthper your unique place for having fun while helping live life to the fullest.
Our games are fun for you, your family and friends.
Members choose wellness factors important to their life and goals. Each factor works on a unique cycle and advancement occurs from regularly following that cycle’s easy steps. At various points along the way, members find deals and rewards for having taken those steps. As our members make progress their Healthper Score increases. This raises their community status, opening up opportunities such as joining others in competition, helping people achieve their own success from your experience, setting up specific challenges for others, etc.
Our games are rewarding for you, your family and friends.
As members play our wellness games, they find deals and rewards along the way for taking very simple steps. Each unique wellness factor offers items or services tailored for helping members achieve their personal goals. We also periodically offer chances to win specific items such as that described below…

Schwinn mountain bike
This bike can be yours. At the end of each month, the member qualifying for "top of the game" and achieving the highest number of points for that month will earn a reward, such as this mountain bike. The reward may be different each month, and may feature a single prize for the “top of the game” qualifier with the highest point total, or multiple prizes for the “top of the game” qualifiers achieving the highest point totals for the month. As a member, visit "winners circle" to see who won last month. (No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Click here for the applicable detailed contest rules)
Our games help connect you, your family and friends.
As members successfully advance in our games, they can periodically ask others to support their progress. This could be family members, friends, healthcare professionals, etc. Members specifically choose who they want on their journey. Also, based on members’ experience, they can join others in competition, assist selected people achieve their own success, set up personalized one-to-one challenges and much more. In this way members become an active part of a large diverse community with many shared interests.
playing the games
Healthper assists you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Inside, you’ll find our daily health cards shown on your HealthDeck. Each card involves a simple healthy activity that you perform to advance in the game. Currently there are 3 types of activity-based cards:
Daily health card (10 points each) – these are cards with unique pictures identifying the activity you could do. For example, the blood pressure card is called “Cool and Calm” and the fruit card is called “Fruitopia.” These cards operate on their own cycles, and by completing the required entries you earn the assigned points.

Challenge cards (20 points each) – these cards are usually presented following successful completion of one or more cycles of daily cards. When presented, the challenge allows you to have a family member or friend engaged in one of your a healthy activities. For example, going to work out together, sharing healthy recipes or verifying some of your progress. Your friend must confirm that you actually did the activity in order for you to collect the points. We will be introducing many different ways for you to play with and challenge your friends.

Pro Challenge cards (30 points each) – when presented, each of these cards step up the game. You must usually offer proof of you doing the requested activity. For example, check-in using your mobile phone or connect a WiFI enabled wellness device to verify your input. When confirmed, you are awarded the appropriate points.

How do you get the gold badges (40 points each)?
You must complete a certain number of daily cards, challenges and pro challenges each month. Your objective is to do the activities as much as you can, in order to try and beat our secret rules. For example, you have to do certain numbers of hours of physical activity per month and complete your physical activity challenges to get the gold badge for physical activity. We may change the rules every month, so you have to figure out how to beat the system, making it fun and interesting! It also keeps you honest, actually performing the activities. We give you 40 points for every gold badge you get. So, go ahead, and show off to your friends how many gold badges you can get!

What is the GOLD REVEAL card? Why do I get this card?
When you don’t “pass” our secret rule for any health category, then you’ll see the GOLD colored REVEAL card. These cards disclose something about you and the activity you were expected to do. For example, if you didn’t eat enough vegetables, then it reveals something about why vegetables are important in your diet. It also may offer products or programs including special deals that you may take advantage of, related to your diet, such as a grocery coupon for a health food store. If you take advantage of a special deal, product or program, you can also get 40 points! But sorry, the Gold Badges are only given when you meet our secret rule and actually pass the requirement for any given health activity. So keep trying to get that badge every month.

How do I know when I qualify for the monthly giveaway reward?
Each month, Healthper offers its members a chance to win a free reward, posted on our main homepage. When you get a certain number of gold badges, it gives you a special award badge symbolizing the advanced level you’ve reached.
The Top of the Game badge is symbolized by the jumping icon shown here.

You’re awarded this badge by accumulating 4 Gold Badges. Out of all the people who get the badge, 1 person is selected in a random drawing as the winner of our free giveaway. So, keep playing because if you didn’t win the award the first month, you may win in it in the next month, or thereafter.

In the leader board “who’s leading,” the level you’ve reached is indicated by the same icon as the badge.

playing the cards
Playing our health cards is very easy.
Within your HealthDeck, you’ll find your daily cards, as well as any challenge cards.
Notice the indicator on top of the card. If it says “0 of 1,” that means that you have completed “0” entries out of “1” entry required. You must do at least 1 entry to get the points associated with that card. If it says “4 of 15”, it means you have done 4 entries out of 15 required to get the points.

Just click on the card’s image and a popup window will display. Complete the entry and you’re done! During that entry, you can also monitor your progress within the current play cycle for that card.
getting deals
Get great deals when you play certain cards.
Healthper works with various merchants and service providers to bring you special deals related to the type of card you’re playing.
For example, if you’re playing the physical activity card, you may receive a special offer from a Gym in your area. Deal is presented as an icon under your card.

free rewards
Get free rewards, if we find someone is sponsoring you.
We give you an option to let us know who your employer or health plan is. Many times, your employer or health plan provides incentives for you to remain healthy. If that is the case, we will connect you to your employer’s incentive program, which qualifies you for free rewards.
When you earn a reward, you will see the “gift” icon below your card once completed.

Not to worry however, we never share your personal activity information with your employer or health plan. (Please read our Privacy Policies.)
And remember, if you are not being sponsored you can always qualify for our monthly free giveaway and there is no obligation whatsoever to connect with your employer or health plan.
award badges
You can currently earn these two award badges in Healthper. In the future we will be adding additional badges and levels of awards for recognizing higher levels of achievement.
This badge is awarded when you “pass” our game rule with each health category such as physical activity, fruits, vegetables, cholesterol, and more.

To protect your privacy however, we do not indicate for what health category you’ve received Gold Badges.
Top of the game
This badge is awarded after you’ve received 4 Gold Badges within any health category.

Sponsored programs are designed to help you improve or maintain your health.
Healthper builds partnerships with various health & wellness merchants and service providers to bring you proven health improvement programs.
These programs, used only if you choose, can help you manage your weight, improve your physical fitness, allow you to maintain proper diet, get timely medical checkups and screenings, stop smoking, etc.
Healthper will bring you these programs offers when you play various health cards. So keep an eye out for them.
Connect various health and wellness devices to improve your game.
Healthper currently works with the following health & wellness device-makers.
Measure your blood pressure using your iPhone or iPad with iHealth’s blood pressure dock. You may find it here if you wish to make a purchase now, or play the Cool and Calm card inside Healthper, and you just might find a special deal!

This revolutionary device senses motion. It can track your and distance you walked and even your sleep quality! Play our Super Powers card to find great deals on this device.

This incredible WiFi enabled weight scale will keep you informed about your weight and trends, including BMI (Body Mass Index) and body fat percentage. Just connect it through your home WiFi network and step on it to capture and record a reading. Connect this device to our Worth the Weight card, and find special deals!

Another great product from Withings. This is a blood pressure cuff that connects to your iPhone/iPad. Find great deals for this device while playing our Cool and Calm card.

keeping goals
Visualizing and keeping goals is a great way to accomplish them.
Do you think however, that too many wellness sites and health programs make it very cumbersome for you achieve your goals?
Well we’ve made it simple in Healthper.
You can track your goals, and keep a count of the number of days it takes you to accomplish those goals. Like a timer, Healthper will remind you of your goals on a daily basis.
By combining your health cards that track your healthy activities, you can see for yourself how the healthy lifestyle is helping you achieve your goals.

Healthpad is where you interact with others in your network, including with your friends, family and even caretakers and doctors.
The Pad is a place to post your thoughts and share with others. Privacy settings quickly allow you to select with whom you wish to share your posts with. You can post text, pictures, hyperlinks and videos.
The Messages area is where you can have private conversations with others one-on-one.
Community is where you keep track of your connections, and manage your community lists.
Most importantly, you are in complete control of what gets displayed both publically and privately to others. You have the opportunity of setting up multiple communities and levels of sharing unique to you and your circle of relationships.