Questions about your wellness program account?
Note that if you are accessing your account for the first time, the default username and password is as below,
Username: Your six-digit employee id
Example: 123456, 000046
Note that if your employee id is 0046 then your six-digit employee id is 000046, prefixed with 0's for missing digits.
Password: SSSSMMDD
Where, SSSS: Last four digits of your SSN, MM: 2 digits for the Month, DD: 2 digits for the Day
Example: SSN is 123456789 and Date of Birth is 18th January 1980 (password = 67890118)
If you still have questions about the wellness program, please email us at
Please allow for a 24-hour response time on all email communications.
When contacting support, provide the following:
- Your first and last name.
- Your six-digit employee id.